For those of you that aren’t familiar with Yorebrigde House, its a beautiful 5 star boutique hotel situated in Bainbridge in the heart of the Yorkshire Dales. It’s quite the trek from Whitby, through narrow country roads but well worth the drive and a venue i hope i get the chance to visit next year. So this was my first Yorebridge House wedding and it didn’t disappoint. From the moment i arrived for the ceremony through to the wild evenings celebrations it was complete fun and a blast to photograph.

Looking through the thousand or so pictures i took this day its a tough job selecting a handful for this blog. But here they are. A few of my favourites from a wedding i’ll remember for sometime to come.  Enjoy


yorebridge house wedding

yorebridge house wedding

If you enjoyed looking through these and are planning on getting married at Yorebridge house then please do get in touch. I can’t wait to be back. Finally, do take the time to visit my portfolio section. You’ll find a selection that sums up my style and approach to each and every wedding i cover.